
Entry (1/2)1  farango
Part of speech  2  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  3  Taolana lavalava noranitana ny tendrony roa, atao solom-pintana ka eo antenatenany no asiana ny kofehy: Indray takariva nandrahona: / Taitra itỳ sahona. / Fa tena mangeja, farango mandratra / Namely ny tratra (Job. Rakotovao) [1.1]
Explanations in English  4  a hooked instrument, a hook, a boat-hook. It differs from faraingo in that it means a hook made intentionally. [1.2]
Explanations in French  5  hameçon, croc. [1.19]
6  crochet, instrument crochu. [1.5]
7  crochet [1.13]
Examples  8  Raha tefena ny farango
ka amboarina ny fintana
ny amalona no anaovana azy
raha velarina ny fandrika
ny vorona no anaovana azy
9  Names :
Synonyms  10  farengo
Compound words 
Proverbs  12  Proverbs containing the word farango

Entry (2/2)13  farango
Part of speech  14  noun
Vocabulary  15  Music: (in general)
Explanations in Malagasy  16  fononteny mahitsy fampiasa rehefa mandinika toe-peo [1.13]

Anagrams  17  fangaro, fangora, farango

Updated on 2023/02/08